
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Third Trimester!

It's crazy to think that I'm coming to the end of this pregnancy! It has really flown by and seems so much shorter than my first pregnancy. I have so badly been wanting to get things ready for the baby the last couple of weeks. I had Daniel get down the baby clothes from the attic last night and I had so much fun sorting through them. I feel like I need more time to nest and prepare for this baby since he was such a huge surprise. Oh, and we also changed the name to Cayden Dallas! I am finally used to the name now and I can't wait for him to get here and to see what Max thinks of him! :)

Week 28 Highlights

Size of Baby: Eggplant. Last week he weighed 2 lb. 8 oz.! He's measuring two weeks ahead! Looks like another big baby boy for me!

Movement: He moves CONSTANTLY! I don't know when he ever has time to go to sleep! He kept me up last night from 3:00 am to around 4:30.

Cravings: I still want sweets all the time. But they're so bad for me!

Weight gain: Fifteen pounds. Right on track!...for now. :)

What I miss: I miss being thin and wearing whatever I want to wear.

What I'm wearing: Wearing regular shirts about half the time and still wearing my size 2 pre-pregnancy jeans!

Sleep: I go to sleep around 10 or 11 and I usually wake up at 3 or 4 and can't get back to sleep. It's not that bad though, at least I'm not nauseated!

Symptoms: My back hurts and I have contractions every day. I've been going to the doctor weekly for the past month or two now for pre-term contractions.