
Monday, May 21, 2012

May Happenings

  This month has been a little trying for our little family. The boys have had a sickness for a week that they just can't beat; and today, Daniel and I have come down with it. Hopefully, it will be short-lived and we will all be well by Cayden's first birthday party at the park on Saturday! I am so excited to celebrate this little one's life and so grateful to the Lord that he has given us such a wonderful first year with this little guy! I'll post a bunch of pictures of his first year very soon. In the meantime, here are some snapshots from my iPhone...

Max loves to carry my old Barbie car everywhere. He is obsessed with cars and since this is the biggest car he can get his hands on, it is by far the coolest.

 I am making some cupcake toppers for Cayden's birthday!

Cayden's new "squat". He's pretty impressed with himself.

My sick babies eating cheerios together on the couch.

My boys think they are pretty funny. I'm so glad they like to entertain each other so much!

Monday, March 12, 2012


I can't believe spring is almost here! It has been warmer the last two weeks and much more rainy. The Bradford Pear in the front yard has already blossomed and produced those bright yellow-green leaves that I love so much.

Because it is so pleasant outside, the boys and I have been playing outside nearly every day. Cayden loves it, but Max is quite terrified of the neighbor's dog and the well as any other moving bits of leaves or grass. The child is scared of his own shadow. I think he inherited that from me. Oh well, we're working on that.

Another thing I've started doing is keeping fresh flowers in the house all the time. It makes such a big difference in how my home feels, and I love bringing a little bit of outside in. I keep them in several rooms of the house. The bouquet of daisies I bought have lasted nearly two weeks and are still looking as perfect as the day I bought them!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Life...According to My Camera Roll

So I realize it's been a little bit since my last post. Hence the photo dump below. This month, Daniel took me to Dallas to shop for my birthday. I got lots of stuff! He even bought me some new bathroom stuff which I LOVE! So cute. This month has been a really long one for some reason. However, Max has been really talking a lot and we are loving it! Cayden is about to crawl an is also cutting his first tooth. *sniff sniff