
Monday, December 13, 2010

So much better!

This week has been amazing! I got over my sickness and finally got to get out of the house and do some Christmas shopping! I am just so glad to feel good again! Mom kept Max this weekend so that we could go to our Christmas parties. It was so nice to have some time to ourselves, but I was missing him by Saturday night!

Week 15 Highlights

Size of Baby: An orange

Movement: Feeling little kicks! It's been moving a lot the past 24 hours!

Cravings: Still craving sweet stuff. I have felt so so good this week! It's been amazing. I did get sick last night, but I'm hoping that was just a fluke.

Weight gain: 2 pounds! It makes a big difference when you aren't throwing up every night!

What I miss: Nothing! I am loving this part of the pregnancy!

What I'm wearing: Regular clothes. I started wearing my Bella Band this week though.

Sleep: I go to sleep around 9 and sleep so good!

Symptoms: Most of my yucky symptoms have either gone away or have significantly glad!!! Only got sick once this week and I can wear my wedding rings again!

What I'm Looking Forward to: Same as always...finding out what I'm having! I have been going back and forth on what I think the sex is, but yesterday and today it just feels like a little girl!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I hate the flu!

Well, I definitely had strep well as the flu! I felt so bad yesterday and was a little worried about the baby because I couldn't break my fever, but today it's very low and I am just really tired. On a much happier note, I was not nauseated at ALL yesterday and I was so excited!
Week 14 Highlights

Size of Baby: A lemon

Movement: Feeling tiny flutters!

Cravings: Sweet stuff...especially oreo pie!

Weight gain: 0 pounds

What I miss: Nothing! I am so happy the Lord has given me my sweet babies!

What I'm wearing: Regular clothes

Sleep: Fall asleep instantly at 8:00 and wake up briefly during the night.

Symptoms: Only got sick once this week. I started taking Phenergan at night and it helps a lot. I go to sleep before I would get sick, so I gained back the weight I had lost this week. I'm actually glad because my wedding rings won't fit anymore!

What I'm Looking Forward to: Finding out what I'm having! I find out January 3rd! Less than a month!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Feeling Yuck

This week my whole little family is sick. Max is getting over croup and I think I have strep throat. We took turns crying today and also ate lots of brownies...those are good for sickness, right? Anyway, I'm hoping we get better by this weekend because I had planned to put Max in his cutest ever Christmas pjs and listen to my Rat Pack Christmas cd while putting up the tree. We'll see...