
Sunday, December 5, 2010

I hate the flu!

Well, I definitely had strep well as the flu! I felt so bad yesterday and was a little worried about the baby because I couldn't break my fever, but today it's very low and I am just really tired. On a much happier note, I was not nauseated at ALL yesterday and I was so excited!
Week 14 Highlights

Size of Baby: A lemon

Movement: Feeling tiny flutters!

Cravings: Sweet stuff...especially oreo pie!

Weight gain: 0 pounds

What I miss: Nothing! I am so happy the Lord has given me my sweet babies!

What I'm wearing: Regular clothes

Sleep: Fall asleep instantly at 8:00 and wake up briefly during the night.

Symptoms: Only got sick once this week. I started taking Phenergan at night and it helps a lot. I go to sleep before I would get sick, so I gained back the weight I had lost this week. I'm actually glad because my wedding rings won't fit anymore!

What I'm Looking Forward to: Finding out what I'm having! I find out January 3rd! Less than a month!

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