
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Old Bible

Tonight I am reading out of my old Bible. The same one I read from when I first fell in love with my Savior. The pages are scribbled on and crinkled, but there will never be a book I treasure more than this one. Sweet, sweet words.

It's Christmas!!!

Okay, so two blog posts in one day, but the first one doesn't count since it was an update. I really need to gush about how I love Christmas time! And it is totally here! My house looks, feels and smells like Christmas and it makes me so happy! Also, the boys have been wearing non-stop Christmas pajamas...some of which are matching. Adorable! Here's two snapshots:

All I need is a swag (love using that word for what it actually is) for the mantle and we're done!

Cutest ever baby Dayden fell asleep on Daddy's chest. Love BOTH of these boys so much!

I'm back!

It has been months since I have posted! I gave birth to my beautiful son, Cayden Dallas, on May 31 at 12:22 P.M. He weighed a whopping 9 pounds 3 ounces. I love him so much. He is a good-natured, happy little guy and he adores people...especially his big brother, Max. I am so thrilled to be the mother of these two beautiful boys and there is nothing else on earth I would rather do right now than to soak them up every day and enjoy this time with my babies.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Third Trimester!

It's crazy to think that I'm coming to the end of this pregnancy! It has really flown by and seems so much shorter than my first pregnancy. I have so badly been wanting to get things ready for the baby the last couple of weeks. I had Daniel get down the baby clothes from the attic last night and I had so much fun sorting through them. I feel like I need more time to nest and prepare for this baby since he was such a huge surprise. Oh, and we also changed the name to Cayden Dallas! I am finally used to the name now and I can't wait for him to get here and to see what Max thinks of him! :)

Week 28 Highlights

Size of Baby: Eggplant. Last week he weighed 2 lb. 8 oz.! He's measuring two weeks ahead! Looks like another big baby boy for me!

Movement: He moves CONSTANTLY! I don't know when he ever has time to go to sleep! He kept me up last night from 3:00 am to around 4:30.

Cravings: I still want sweets all the time. But they're so bad for me!

Weight gain: Fifteen pounds. Right on track!...for now. :)

What I miss: I miss being thin and wearing whatever I want to wear.

What I'm wearing: Wearing regular shirts about half the time and still wearing my size 2 pre-pregnancy jeans!

Sleep: I go to sleep around 10 or 11 and I usually wake up at 3 or 4 and can't get back to sleep. It's not that bad though, at least I'm not nauseated!

Symptoms: My back hurts and I have contractions every day. I've been going to the doctor weekly for the past month or two now for pre-term contractions.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Over half way there!

I am 21 weeks today! I can't believe I will be five months along this Saturday. I may only have three months left if this pregnancy is like my last! Wow. That's scary. I am SOOOOO excited about baby Sophia coming! It could be any day! I think about it all day long and every time my sister texts or calls me I get so excited! I can't wait to meet my little niece!

Week 21 Highlights

Size of Baby: The length of a banana

Movement: He is the most active in the early morning and also in the evening...especially when I'm trying to fall asleep! :)

Cravings: I think about sweets all the time! It's an everyday battle to not over-indulge.

Weight gain: Six pounds! I officially feel pregnant now. I have a belly and my stomach feels heavy. Also, it's a little harder to get up quickly if I'm sitting on the ground with Max.

What I miss: Nothing! I am just trying to enjoy my last few months of it just being the three of us...and also trying to enjoy feeling good for now!

What I'm wearing: Still regular clothes and still wearing my size 2 jeans. I did wear a maternity shirt last week, but it was mostly because I didn't have anything else clean! :) Maternity shirts are going to definitely be a necessity in the next couple of weeks.

Sleep: I go to sleep around 10 or 11 and I usually wake up at 3 or 4 and can't get back to sleep. Last night I was awake from 4-7 and it was miserable! It's also hard for me to take naps now for some reason. I just can't fall asleep and I need to so badly!

Symptoms: My heart still races sometimes and I never really got a clear answer on why it's doing that. I just try not to do too much at once and it seems to be helping a little.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's been forever since I posted! We have had so much going on! Daniel has been off for a week and a half now and it's been so nice to spend time as a family. Max is getting so big and acting so much older! He jibber jabbers all the time. Last night we did fireworks and he kept saying "No no!" and hiding his face on my shoulder. He HATED it! I think he's really about to start learning some new words because he seems so interested in talking. I LOVE the sound of his little voice. So sweet!

Week 18 Highlights

Size of Baby: A sweet potato

Movement: Feeling movement all day long this week. Before, I could only feel the baby in the morning and sometimes at night.

Cravings: I haven't really been craving anything lately, although it feels like I'm eating a lot!

Weight gain: Still 2 pounds! I have been wondering when I'm really going to start looking pregnant. I have a little bump, but everything else looks kankles yet! Thank goodness!

What I miss: Staying up late! I fell asleep long before midnight last night even though I really wanted to ring in the new year with Daniel. :(

What I'm wearing: Still regular clothes, although some of them are rather unflattering now. I did wear a maternity shirt last week. I can still button my jeans most of the time. I am hoping this means less weight gain than last time!

Sleep: I go to sleep around 9 and sleep so good!

Symptoms: I hardly have any symptoms right now other than being tired. My heart races sometimes and it takes a while to get back down to a normal rate, but I think I'm just doing a little too much. This pregnancy is turning out to be so much more enjoyable than my last!

What I'm Looking Forward to: My ultrasound on Monday! Oh, and we found out it's a BOY!!! I think we've decided to name him Liam Cole Humble. :) Here he is....