
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's been forever since I posted! We have had so much going on! Daniel has been off for a week and a half now and it's been so nice to spend time as a family. Max is getting so big and acting so much older! He jibber jabbers all the time. Last night we did fireworks and he kept saying "No no!" and hiding his face on my shoulder. He HATED it! I think he's really about to start learning some new words because he seems so interested in talking. I LOVE the sound of his little voice. So sweet!

Week 18 Highlights

Size of Baby: A sweet potato

Movement: Feeling movement all day long this week. Before, I could only feel the baby in the morning and sometimes at night.

Cravings: I haven't really been craving anything lately, although it feels like I'm eating a lot!

Weight gain: Still 2 pounds! I have been wondering when I'm really going to start looking pregnant. I have a little bump, but everything else looks kankles yet! Thank goodness!

What I miss: Staying up late! I fell asleep long before midnight last night even though I really wanted to ring in the new year with Daniel. :(

What I'm wearing: Still regular clothes, although some of them are rather unflattering now. I did wear a maternity shirt last week. I can still button my jeans most of the time. I am hoping this means less weight gain than last time!

Sleep: I go to sleep around 9 and sleep so good!

Symptoms: I hardly have any symptoms right now other than being tired. My heart races sometimes and it takes a while to get back down to a normal rate, but I think I'm just doing a little too much. This pregnancy is turning out to be so much more enjoyable than my last!

What I'm Looking Forward to: My ultrasound on Monday! Oh, and we found out it's a BOY!!! I think we've decided to name him Liam Cole Humble. :) Here he is.... 

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