
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Over half way there!

I am 21 weeks today! I can't believe I will be five months along this Saturday. I may only have three months left if this pregnancy is like my last! Wow. That's scary. I am SOOOOO excited about baby Sophia coming! It could be any day! I think about it all day long and every time my sister texts or calls me I get so excited! I can't wait to meet my little niece!

Week 21 Highlights

Size of Baby: The length of a banana

Movement: He is the most active in the early morning and also in the evening...especially when I'm trying to fall asleep! :)

Cravings: I think about sweets all the time! It's an everyday battle to not over-indulge.

Weight gain: Six pounds! I officially feel pregnant now. I have a belly and my stomach feels heavy. Also, it's a little harder to get up quickly if I'm sitting on the ground with Max.

What I miss: Nothing! I am just trying to enjoy my last few months of it just being the three of us...and also trying to enjoy feeling good for now!

What I'm wearing: Still regular clothes and still wearing my size 2 jeans. I did wear a maternity shirt last week, but it was mostly because I didn't have anything else clean! :) Maternity shirts are going to definitely be a necessity in the next couple of weeks.

Sleep: I go to sleep around 10 or 11 and I usually wake up at 3 or 4 and can't get back to sleep. Last night I was awake from 4-7 and it was miserable! It's also hard for me to take naps now for some reason. I just can't fall asleep and I need to so badly!

Symptoms: My heart still races sometimes and I never really got a clear answer on why it's doing that. I just try not to do too much at once and it seems to be helping a little.

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