
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

looking back at 2012

 This year has not been easy for our family. It has been long, stressful, and at times I may have even uttered inaudibly to myself that circumstances were more than I could bear. But the Lord has brought us out of that year and into a new one - a change that I gratefully accept. But looking back, I see how the Lord has provided for us in every facet of our lives. We never were left wanting, and never felt as though we were outside His reach, and for that I am thankful.
Here are my favorite snapshots of my precious boys for the year 2012. This is the hard part about moving on to a new year - knowing these boys will never be this small again. However, I know there are many more wonderful memories to be made in 2013. :)

All images Copyrighted.

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