
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11 weeks with #2!

Week 11 Highlights

Size of Baby: A lime

Movement: Don't feel anything yet.

Cravings: Don't really have any cravings yet, but I pretty much can only eat oatmeal, soup, and sandwhiches.

Weight gain: I gained 2, then lost 4. So far I weigh 2 pounds less than pre-pregnancy.

What I miss: Being able to eat anything I want! I miss eating spicy foods and seafood the most.

What I'm wearing: Regular clothes! I even fit into my size 0 Buckle jeans that have been a little too snug to wear since I had Max.

Sleep: I have been sleeping a little better this week because Max has! I usually wake up 2-3 times during the night to go to the restroom. I go to bed around 8, then wake up around 4:30 and toss and turn until Daniel gets up.

Symptoms: Still throwing up and nauseated almost all day...especially at night.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Finding out what I'm having! I should find out in about 7 weeks. A long time, I know!

Here's some cute baby girl room stuff I found last night:

If I have a boy I'll probably just use Max's bedding and get Max something new. I can't believe I am going to have two babies in cribs! Wow!

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