
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Max's 1st Birthday!

Yesterday was Max's first birthday! We had so much fun and took sooo many pictures. He loved playing with his balloons and opening his presents. He wasn't so sure about the cake. :) He was in a very serious mood the whole party, but once everyone left he ran around the room screaming and playing with his new toys. I was a little sad yesterday morning when I woke up because I can't believe he's gotten so big. I don't think I would have been so sad if I hadn't had all the pregnancy hormones. :) Here's some pics Catherine took of his birthday - haven't had a chance to upload mine yet...

Pics of Max from birth until now

He was really wanting to get into that present!

He got a little red wagon from LiLi and Grandpa

Sweet baby :)
Week 12 Highlights

Size of Baby: A plum

Movement: Don't feel anything yet.

Cravings: Sausage egg biscuit from McDonald's. :) I can pretty much still only eat oatmeal, soup, and sandwhiches.

Weight gain: Lost two pounds.

What I miss: Being able to spend time with Daniel. I go to bed so early now it feels like I don't see him at all!

What I'm wearing: Regular clothes, but this week I can see a little pooch starting to come!

Sleep: I have been sleeping so much better this week! I'm so glad!

Symptoms: Still throwing up and nauseated almost all day...especially at night.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Finding out what I'm having of course!

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