
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Poor House

I have had ZERO energy lately. I don't feel up to cooking, cleaning, laundry...nothing. It's hard for me to even get up to go to the restroom! I start getting dizzy and seeing spots every time I get up. Yesterday my mom came and helped me clean my house. It was looking awful! There was laundry on the couch, the floors needed to be swept and the dining room was still in remodeling mode. She swept the whole front of my house, folded my laundry and helped me get the dining room completely in order. Daniel was so excited our house wasn't a wreck. He tends to get disappointed in me when the house isn't clean. It makes me even more disappointed in myself. I feel like I am not doing a good job with anything at this point in the pregnancy...parenting, the house, you name it. It's so hard when I have no energy and am throwing up all the time. But I'm so thankful my mom came to help me in my time of need!

On another note, we are putting this Ikea bookshelf in our dining room tonight. I can't wait to decorate with it!

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